Contact Us

This section is dedicated to those who want to submit article suggestions or collaborate with our team. The answer may take up to 3 days, depending on our availability.

Phone number: +40 728 432 650

Please note that we cannot provide answers related to the diseases and treatment of your little ones and we cannot provide medical advice on our website/ social media accounts such as Facebook or Instagram. Currently, our team, even if it is made up of doctors, does not represent a legal virtual clinic and we do not own a physical individual medical office. We do not claim that we are a medical society, nor a medical sanitary unit or another medical institution listed in the O.G. no. 124/1998 republished. We are not approved or reviewed by the Romanian College of Physicians or registered in the unique register held by this institution. We can not provide a medical act, such as clinical examination, diagnosis and prescription of treatment. Otherwise, we would exceed the mentioned legal framework. Our website is a tool for parents where we try to increase awareness in preventing diseases, safety of child and clarify some of the most controversed topics such as vaccination.